What Are Prototypes in JavaScript?


4 min read

In JavaScript, prototypes are a fundamental concept to understand how objects and inheritance work. Prototypes are part of the mechanism that allows objects to share properties and methods in an indirect way, making them a key aspect of object-oriented programming in JavaScript. In this article, we will explain in detail what prototypes are, how they work, their advantages and disadvantages, and offer essential tips for developers on how to handle them correctly.

What Is a Prototype in JavaScript?

A prototype is a mechanism in JavaScript that allows objects to share functions and properties in a unified way, without having to repeat code. More simply, when a new object is created in JavaScript, it is linked to a prototype that holds properties and methods that the object can access and use.

How Do Prototypes Work in JavaScript?

Every object in JavaScript has an internal property called __proto__ (or "prototype"). This property refers to another object that contains properties and methods the object can access. When trying to access a property on an object that doesn't exist, JavaScript looks for that property in the linked prototype object.

For example, if you have a person object containing a name, the object can use the greet method found in its prototype:


// Define an object with properties

const person = {

name: 'Alice',


// Add a method to the prototype

person.__proto__.greet = function() {

console.log(`Hello, my name is ${this.name}`);


// Use the method from the prototype

person.greet(); // Outputs: Hello, my name is Alice

How Does Inheritance Work with Prototypes?

Prototypes are used to implement inheritance in JavaScript. Instead of having classes in the traditional sense, as in other programming languages, JavaScript relies on prototypes to handle inheritance. Any object can inherit properties and methods from another object by linking to a prototype.

For example, in the following code:


function Person(name) {

this.name = name;


// Add a method to the Person prototype

Person.prototype.greet = function() {

console.log(`Hello, my name is ${this.name}`);


// Create a new object using the Person function

const person1 = new Person('John');

// Access the method from the prototype

person1.greet(); // Outputs: Hello, my name is John

Here, the Person function acts as a "constructor" that holds properties, while Person.prototype holds the greet method that any object created from Person can inherit.

Advantages of Prototypes

1. Code Reusability: Prototypes help reduce code duplication by allowing objects to access shared functions and properties from common prototypes.

2. Flexibility: Objects can inherit from other prototypes, providing a flexible and efficient structure for object-oriented programming.

3. Improved Performance: Instead of creating the same methods for each new object, multiple objects can share the same methods stored in the prototype.

4. Simplified Understanding: Using prototypes helps simplify the understanding of object-oriented programming, as inheritance is handled automatically between objects.

Disadvantages of Prototypes

1. Complexity: Prototypes can be difficult to understand, especially for beginners. The interaction between objects and prototypes can sometimes be unclear.

2. Property Conflicts: If objects contain properties with the same name as those in the prototype, conflicts may occur, resulting in properties being overwritten or data being lost.

3. Maintenance and Scalability: In some cases, using prototypes in large projects can lead to difficulties in maintenance, especially when there are many interdependent prototypes.

4. Performance in Some Cases: In certain scenarios, accessing properties from the prototype chain may be slower than accessing properties directly on the object, particularly in performance-critical applications.

Tips for Working with Prototypes in JavaScript

1. Avoid Property Conflicts: Make sure objects don’t contain properties with the same name as those in the prototype to avoid data conflicts.

2. Use Prototypes Carefully: When using prototypes, ensure that you fully understand the overall structure of your code, especially when working with libraries or frameworks that may affect how prototypes interact.

3. Use Object.create() Instead of new: You can use Object.create() to create new objects with a specific prototype without needing a constructor function.


const person = Object.create(Person.prototype);

4. Learn Inheritance Properly: It’s important to learn how to use prototypes correctly, especially when it comes to complex inheritance scenarios.

5. Use class When Appropriate: If you need more clarity in managing objects and inheritance, consider using the class keyword introduced in ES6, which provides a more straightforward way to work with prototypes.


Prototypes are one of the most important mechanisms in JavaScript for implementing inheritance and code reuse. While they offer great advantages in terms of performance and code organization, they should be used carefully to avoid conflicts and other issues. By having a good understanding of this mechanism, you can build more efficient and flexible applications.

Meta Description:

Learn about Prototypes in JavaScript, their advantages, and how they enable inheritance and

code reuse. This article provides insights, examples, and tips for effectively using prototypes in your code.